Chapter 6 – The Bladder and the Pelvic Floor

Urinary tract infection in women

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common, affecting up to 15 per cent of women each year.(1) More than 25 per cent of women who have had an infection will experience a recurrence.(1)

UTIs are a major cause of morbidity, anxiety and loss of productivity in women. Most UTIs (95 per cent) are caused by an ascending infection.(2) Urogenic bacteria in the faecal flora may colonise the vaginal and peri-urethral introitus and then ascend the urethra into the bladder. A minority of women with UTIs have an underlying abnormality.

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Uncomplicated urinary tract infections

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Complicated urinary tract infections

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Diagnosing a urinary tract infection

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Urinary tract imaging

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Management of a urinary tract infection

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Post treatment follow-up for uncomplicated UTIs in non-pregnant women

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