About Family Planning NSW

Family Planning NSW provides high quality clinical information and services through our clinics and outreach services, health promotion activities, and best practice education and training in reproductive and sexual health for doctors, nurses, teachers and other health, education and welfare professionals. The Family Planning NSW Talkline 1300 658 886 is a confidential, non-judgemental referral and information service via telephone, email and LiveChat staffed by expert nurses who respond to questions from clinicians and community members. 

Our services are targeted to marginalised and disadvantaged members of the community, including people from culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, refugees, people with disability, young people and people from rural and remote communities.

All of our work is evidence-based and shaped by research through our nationally recognised Research Centre, our published clinical practice handbooks on reproductive and sexual health, and validated through extensive clinical practice. 

Underlying values

Family Planning NSW aims to enhance the reproductive and sexual health and rights of communities by providing leadership, advocacy and a commitment to excellence in education and training, clinical services and research.  

The values that underlie these aims include a commitment to:

  • promoting the rights of all people to reproductive and sexual health
  • maintaining a strong ethical base, being accountable and transparent
  • valuing and respecting diversity without judgement
  • ensuring access to our services for all, including priority populations 
  • placing the needs of the whole person at the centre of our work 
  • ensuring high standards in all our work